Institute for Academic Development and Learning Innovation

Find out more about our vision, mission and goals that guide every step we take in achieving meaningful educational transformation.

Officials and Staff

Dr. Fransisca Endang Lestariningsih, M.Hum.

Lukas Chrisantyo A A., S.Kom., M.Eng.

Eunike Zitta Purwasih

Aristarkhus Dwiki Darmawan, S.Kom.

Organizational Structure

Formed on April 1 2016 with Chancellor's Decree Number 017/B.02/UKDW/2016 dated March 22 2016. LPAIP is an institution that works under the coordination of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (WR 1). In terms of organizational structure, LPAIP is led by a chairman and secretary.

Name : Institute for Academic Development and Learning Innovation (LPAIP)
Formed : April 1, 2016
SK Pendirian : Chancellor's Decree No. 017/B.02/UKDW/2016
Address : Chara Building Fl. 2 UKDW, Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusudo Street Number 5 – 25
No. Telp : (0274) 563929 ext. 217
Jam Layanan : 07:30 – 15:30 WIB
Email : lpaip@staff.ukdw.ac.id


Become an education and learning service and development institution to improve the quality and excellence of UKDW education.


  1. Carrying out development and assessment activities in a planned and sustainable manner with an orientation towards improving academic excellence, learning quality, and increasing the capacity of teaching staff in carrying out the learning process.
  2. Develop a curriculum evaluation system on an ongoing basis to improve the quality of implementation of UKDW education.
  3. Organizing education by utilizing information technology.


  1. Encourage study programs within the UKDW environment to develop a dynamic curriculum and be able to deliver its graduates to the specified quality;
  2. Review and develop learning methods and learning innovations as well as implementation strategies;
  3. Developing learning media and learning resources
  4. Monitoring and evaluating academic innovation and academic development.
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Institute for Academic Development and Learning Innovation

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Chara Building Fl. 2 UKDW, Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusudo Street Number 5 – 25

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